This is a list of all known Audiologic by Randix stereo and boombox products. They're from the 70's and 80's.

Audiologic by Randix


I have seen this brand in two different versions, "Audiologic" and "Audiologic by Randix". I'm not sure what the difference was. Maybe Randix was a distributor. Anyway, here are all the models we're aware of. Some of them were also branded Weltron. They were sold in various department stores like Zayre, Lechmere Sales, Caldor, and Bradlees.

ACR-2 cassette receiver
ACR-700 digital amplifier/tuner/cassette
JB-1036A (also known as the Sanwa 7078)
JB-1048B boombox (also known as the Nippon SRR013)
LX-40A mini-amplifier (uses a Sanyo STK-459 amp), LX-40T mini-tuner
LX-52A mini-amplifier, LX-52A mini-tuner, MG-52E equalizer
LX-62A mini-amplifier, LX-62T mini-tuner, MG-62E equalizer
LX-500 turntable
LXR-720 digital amplifier/tuner
MX-500 mini speakers
SC-711 walkman
SCR-710 boombox
SCR-3266 boombox
SCR-3281 boombox
SCR-3466 boombox
TCD-25 cassette deck
TCD-34 cassette deck

Did we miss any models? If so, please let us know!

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